Simulated robot on docker with X11 forwarding

This setup tutorial will guide you through setting up your PC to run the simulated robot with the demos. This assumes that you have a linux machine. Tested on ubuntu 20, but should work on any linux.

Installing Docker

Quick version:

sudo apt install curl
echo "Installing docker"
curl -fsSL | sudo sh

groupadd docker
usermod -aG docker $(whoami)

Restart user session.

Slow version is to follow the instructions here.

Cloning Robotont’s packages

All Robotont’s packages can be accessed from Robotont’s GitHub.

Packages necessary to run the Gazebo simulation with Robotont’s demos are following:

  1. robotont_description

  2. robotont_nuc_description

  3. robotont_gazebo

  4. robotont_navigation

  5. robotont_demos

  6. robotont_msgs

mkdir -p robotont/src
cd robotont/src

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

cd ..
echo "Path to robotont workspace: $(pwd)""

Instructions when using an nvidia GPU

Install nvidia-docker 2 here.

Use docker-ros-box to setup ros

git clone
cd docker-ros-box

Instructions for everyone else

Use docker-ros-box to setup ros

git clone
cd docker-ros-box

Logging into your ros image

In the robotont folder

cd /home/melodic-dev/catkin_ws

Installing missing dependancies

sudo apt install -y ros-melodic-depthimage-to-laserscan \
    ros-melodic-cartographer-ros \
    ros-melodic-move-base \
    ros-melodic-rtabmap-ros \
    ros-melodic-ar-track-alvar \
    ros-melodic-realsense2-description \
    ros-melodic-realsense2-camera \
    ros-melodic-joy \

Building the catkin workspace

cd catkin_ws
catkin build

Sourcing the workspace

Make the workspace visible to ROS (must be done for every new terminal)

source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

For automatic sourcing:

echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

Running the demos with Gazebo

Tutorial for running the simulation with the demos can be found here: Demos on Gazebo.